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Introducing our law firm

Clear, calm, and effective advice to guide you through the challenges of separation.
We know Family Law is tough.
We know Family Law.

Advice That Is Effective and Easy to Understand.

Family and Relationship Law is all that we do. With the experience, knowledge and skill to handle your unique challenges and circumstances, you can rest assured that you are in safe hands. You are our absolute priority, and we work tirelessly to help you achieve the best possible outcome. Whether you are starting a new relationship, or dealing with the prospect or challenges of a separation, we can help you.

Our Practice Areas


Financial Settlements

We negotiate with expertise on behalf of our clients to achieve just and equitable financial settlements. We achieve excellence in negotiated settings and, where necessary, litigation. We understand the complexities involved in dividing assets and property whether modest or complex, and we work tirelessly to ensure that our clients receive the right outcome for them.


Parenting Disputes

We know that disputes over parenting arrangements can be emotionally challenging. We  sensitively guide our clients through that process, to help them achieve an outcome that promotes the best interests of the children. We have extensive experience dealing with the full gamut of parenting disputes, ranging from amicable separations to very high conflict matters.


De Facto Couples

We assist de facto and same sex clients navigate through the legal process of separation. We understand the complexities that are often involved in parenting disputes and property divisions relating to de facto couples. We work tirelessly to ensure that our clients receive fair and equitable property outcomes and parenting outcomes which at all times focus on the best interests of the child.


Intervention Order Matters

Intervention Order Proceedings are commonly adjacent to family law proceedings. We have a wealth of experience appearing on behalf of clients in intervention order proceedings and providing support and assistance throughout that challenging process. We routinely appear on behalf of clients at the Magistrates Courts' at various locations to assist in resolving matters both through negotiation and advocacy.

Eliver Family Law is a family law practice located in the Northern Suburbs, with remote capabilities to service clients throughout Victoria and beyond. 

At Eliver Family Law, we act swiftly, and with sensitivity, to assist clients who are confronted with custodial, financial, and other challenges relating to their separation. We have an intimate understanding of family law and that is all we do.


Where children are involved, our priority is always, firmly, the promotion of an outcome that prioritises the children's best interests. We have extensive experience acting for fathers, mothers, and grandparents, in numerous highly complex parenting disputes.

Every relationship, and every separation, is highly personal and unique. Each has its own fingerprint. No two relationships are the same. We can advise you on all legal aspects of your relationship. We understand that emergencies can arise and will provide service after hours where necessary.


Broadly, some recurring matters that we commonly advise on include:

Transition Periods in Relationships

We advise clients who have separated, and who are considering separation, as to their legal rights. Common issues include:

  • Family violence or alleged family violence, including Intervention Orders.

  • Your rights and responsibilities concerning spousal maintenance.

  • Child support responsibilities, amounts, and factors affecting them.

  • Property divisions.

  • Living arrangements which promote the best interests of the children.​

Child Custody (Live-with arrangements)

 We can guide you on what is beneficial for your children, factoring in their age, requirements, and other relevant aspects. We also manage matters related to:

  • Orders for child recovery.

  • Relocation matters.

  • Airport surveillance orders.

  • International child abduction, especially under the Hague Convention.

  • International child custody issues.

Approaches to Resolution

There are multiple avenues to resolve family law issues:

  • Consent Orders (often used for simpler, agreeable matters).

  • Binding Financial Agreements (prenups and postnups).

  • Lawyer-guided mediation.

  • Litigation where a court judgment is required.

  • Arbitration, where an independent arbitrator makes decisions.

Addressing Family Violence

In situations with family violence, proceedings may commence in the Magistrates Court. Regardless of your role, understanding the process and implications of any resulting orders is essential, especially concerning child custody.

Protecting Assets and Wealth

An area often bypassed in family law is asset protection. We advise clients who are in relationships, and parents and family offices, on financial arrangements prior to new relationships commencing. 

Expert family law advice is a phone call away

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